Friday, January 22, 2010

Got in a pretty intense workout yesterday. My schedule called for me to do it today, but I was feeling so good yesterday I went ahead and got it in. My legs are screaming at me for the punishment I put them through. Mentally I am in a good place though because I am pushing myself to do better and stay on track.

Have to work today, so I was able to get in breakfast. That is a meal I may not have even enjoyed since mid-October. Had two servings of maple oatmeal with pecans(made with water instead of milk), a banana and a whey protein shake.

Well into the shower I go to get ready for another day at the prestigious Bradwell Institute.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update and Fresh Start

Well my brother came home from Germany for a week in October, and it all fell apart so to speak. He was on leave before deploying to Afghanistan, and we lived it up. Eating out often, me drinking sodas, and food not too healthy. Then before I knew it Thankgiving was here, followed by Christmas. Then New Year's Day and my birthday hit me. I turned 28 on January 16, and as my gift to myself I re-committed to getting healthy. My buddy Mike got his home gym set up and so away we go.

As of today I am on a MWF schedule of going over there to get a workout in. Today was day two. I am not pushing any great amount of weight, but rather setting baselines and getting my body used to exercising again. I have been pretty sore since Monday's initial workout and was not feeling it today. I did not want to go workout today, but I committed myself, so I went. I am still sore, but I felt energized afterwards and am happy I willed my mind into pushing my body.

I started back into eating healthier this week, but I am still not eating properly. I am getting my calories down, but not divided into the right amount of meals. I have to make sure I am getting 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks. It does no good to starve all day and then eat dinner.

I am also going to start publishing progress photos. It is going to be embarrassing for me, but I need to see visual proof of my progress.

Week One